Sunday, April 4, 2010

A One-man Easter Parade

Today I worked the morning to get some of my bathroom remodeling done, so that I could hit the road with my Motorbike guilt free. I'm typing this with dried paint on my hands because I couldn't be bothered to waste the time washing up before hitting the road for a very specific ride; MALIBU.

It's All Wally's Fault
Over the past few weeks, Wally will occasionally tell me about the rides he goes on. leaving from his home in New Bedford Mass, where I know the landscape is beautiful, and I get a little jealous. For me, I have to drive several miles of freeway and traffic just to get into pretty roads. It' wasn't until today that I ventured farther out than I ever have, with a full tank of gas and an agenda.

I remembered Malibu Canyon road, because I climbed it as a challenge hill a few years ago on my Calfee. I thought maybe I should make it a destination ride, and head up there. I had no idea what I would find.

It took me a good 45 minutes of freeway driving to reach the road (Las Virgenes Canyon Rd.) and the first thing I noticed was all the motorbikes headed down the road. I instantly knew I was in the right place. It was prettier than I remembered, and the road was winding and steep and just one lane. Such a more satisfying ride than going full out in one high gear at 75 mph, dodging cars who spill into my lane on the freeway. I was traveling through tunnels, and cresting the top of a hill when a few crotch-rocket bikes came up behind and screamed by me at ridiculous speeds, and then I saw the Ocean. The dark blue pacific unfolded in front of me as I came down the final few miles of ribbon road stretched out in front of me.
My first plan was to turn left and drive the pacific coast highway back to Santa Monica, and the freeway home again but instead I decided to turn right, head north along the beach for a while. I wasn't done riding yet.

A few miles up the road I came to Latigo Canyon rd. This was another hill I remember climbing on my road bike a year or so ago on a training ride for the AIDS/Lifecycle. I Know it comes out in the Calabasas area, so I took it and started climbing.

The top of that road made me giddy, every turn was another fantastic view of the ocean from a full story higher up. I was surprised by all the other motorbikes I saw on this road, and even rode a while with another guy who had my exact same bike. He grew tired of my pokey novice pace and moved on eventually, but it was a thrill to be one of the bikes on the road today.

My entire ride was about 110 miles, through mountain, canyon and sea-view roads. I stopped at a gas station to have a drink and call Wally, told him I found a great ride to take him on when he gets here in July.

While I was there, all kinds of bikes pulled in to get gas, including a BMW 1150 with steel panniers and stickers just like the bikes in documentary I'm watching, "Long Way Round". By the time I got home I was a full three hours gone, and it was by far the Longest ride I've been on by myself. I made the mistake of taking the exit from the 134 into Griffith park and was met by nothing but traffic, Easter barbeques and Picnics infested the park, and the roads were clogged with minivans and SUV's. I was held captive in first gear for 30 minutes before I found my way out of there, effectively snapped back into the reality that is urban life.

After coming home and watching the remaining episodes of the documentary, I can't wait for my next ride out, and after talking with Wally again today about the Rally in Oregon, I definitely can't wait till we officially hit the road. Only three months to go, and counting.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

That German Accent

While driving my VW Vanagon Westfalia lately, I'm noticing some subliminal similarities between it and the BMW. I know they're both German made engines, and I was willing to stop there and call it a day, but there seemed to be something else, something more.

There's a timber, if you will. A rhythm when in third gear, spinning between 3 and 4,000 rpm that's eerily similar, almost as if both engines have the same accent, something unique to them that others don't have, not Japanese or American engines. Something specific to the German motors.

After reading a bit up on it, I learned that it's the actual design of the engines that's the difference, and it's in a very obvious way. Both the van and the bike have "boxer" engines, meaning their pistons are lined up opposed to each other, and horizontally positioned instead of the more common straight line up for 4 cylinder cars, or the popular "V6". This gives them a very unique placement for the noisier parts of the engine, mainly the valves and rockers(the parts that move the valves), and a very distinctive sound. Kind of a tinny pitter-patt, or rattle. I've decided to appreciate this more in the van than I did before, and now I call it "The German Accent".
This entry is more for me than for any reader I imagine. If anything it may give insight into the workings of the mechanics I'll be dependent upon for a few weeks. Now all I have to do is figure out how to maintain one and I'll be all set, right?

Posted by ShoZu

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

12 weeks before launch

Wally sent me a packing list the other day, and it looks a lot like my packing list for the AIDS/Lifecycle ride I've done for the past 10 years. Various camping supplies, warm-weather clothes, cold-weather clothes, tires, tools, sunblock etc. I have about 12 weeks to pull this shopping list together, so I'm building a spreadsheet for this list to show how much I should expect to pay for the gear, and where to get it. Maybe then I can schedule the acquisition of it over the next three months and have it all by the time we're ready to leave.
First on the list: a good full-face helmet, a good riding jacket, and some decent boots,

Inspiration, just in time.

I've been watching episodes of "Long Way Round", a documentary of the trip Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boreman took around the world on BMW 1150's in 2004. the started in Scotland, crossed through Russia, flew to Anchorage, then through Canada, the U.S. and landed in New York.
In one early episode,before they launched for the trip, Charllie and Ewan visit a BMW proving ground to get some training time in on riding their bikes on rough road and in dirt. Seems Ewan had very little experience in that kind of riding, and kept dumping his bike. He was very concerned that he might become a burden to his buddy on the trip because he couldn't seem to figure it out. He eventually did, and his confidence returned, but this put a big line on my list of things to worry about. I don't have any off-road, dirt-bike experience, and I think maybe I should.
Talking with my cousin David Gaebel the other day, I learned he is a Motorcycle collector, with several of-road bikes in his stable. I've asked him if we could schedule some time to get together to practice some off-roading, as well as basic bike maintenance training, so I can feel a little less inept on the road with Wally.
Though it is nice knowing if anything goes wrong, Wally would know what to do, I would prefer the idea of working on my bike myself.

The original plan was for Wally and I to met in Redmond Oregon for the 2010 BMW motorcycle Rally, but since his is my first big ride, and Wally is coming in from Massachusetts, he's deciding it best to drive through the southwest and come directly to L.A. so we can leave for the Rally together. This way I don't spend a single mile on the road without my buddy. That's nice, I think.

The trip total time on the road is estimated at 66 hours. If we ride 8 hours a day (2 shifts of 4) that's about 8 1/2 days to get there. If we ride 5 hours a day it's 2 weeks to get there. Crazy- huh? A simple slow riding day can have us gone for over a month.
This packing list suddenly became very important. I don't just need to get stuff that is good for a weekend, I need to make sure that the gear, and camping supplies I purchase can last a while, if I wear a hole in a cheap pair of socks, there might not be a place to find another sock for a while.

I looked at the google map and there is so much NOTHING for so many miles. zooming in on Google maps I found one tiny reference to the Lac la Hache Motel. Apparently we'll be driving right by it, so I did some research to see where it is and what it looks like. The internet is a wonderful and magical tool.
I know once we get out of Los Angeles area the scenery is going to be beautiful, and outside the U.S., Hell, outside California in General it's going to get Damn gorgeous.

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fellow Blogger/Rider

Found this post today- thought it very interesting, also since he's on the 650 I decided wasn't good enough for me. Interesting . . .

Monday, March 22, 2010

The view from Chantry Flats. hardly flat, huh?

Posted by ShoZu

Uploaded - 3\22\10

Posted by ShoZu

First Solo Flight

Today I took the bike with no name out for my first ride alone, ever.
I took her up Santa Anita road to Chantry Flats and checked out the view. I felt a little strange, like my first drive without my learners permit, and scared, like something could go wrong at any moment. A driver on the wrong side, crap in the road, or a squirrel running out in front of me. Anything could happen, so I was on my toes for the entire 1:45. That alone was exhausting. I'm guessing my Motorbike mat very well make me a better driver. I'm certainly more aware of other motorcyclists now.

Posted by ShoZu